DeathDrag is a Rock&Roll band straight outta Mongolia theirs 3 members in this band DEATHDRAG:
Music for you soon ..
DeathDrag is currently in the studio recording what’s going to end up a worldwide masterpiece!! DeathDrag’s writing & recording style is like no other !! DeathDrag is taking a stand through their music to help make Earth a better place!! They definitely made a big stand and impact against pedophiles and human smugglers etc. DeathDrag spends most of their time flying around the world impacting every town their in … DeathDrag lives in a black stealth jet !! How cool is that !! DeathDrag is able to fly , record & live where ever they land !! Now that’s one hell of a life style!! DeathDrag has a few great videos on YouTube & the DeathDrag Facebook page please check it out!! Also like, share, follow, subscribe & hit
that notification bell . Definitely check out all the links listed below
. proudly sponsors & supports DeathDrag we play their music worldwide on a daily basis like on The Morning Sunrise Show Hosted by Denster 7am PST live on Global Enlightenment Radio Network.
Great songs like Snake Charmer , One Way Ride , Frankenstein , if you tune in live at you might get lucky and hear one of the 2 songs currently being recorded .
One to keep your eye on it The Unknown!! It’s a bad ass song !! Album release & Tour date coming soon !!
As the war with Russia is breaking out DeathDrag is right in the middle of the action.. Knowing these guys their writing songs against what’s going on . DeathDrag is taking the world by storm there’s nothing to stop this movement. DeathDrag has a stage presence like I’ve never seen !! The props and clothing and videos and bad ass song work perfectly together!! DeathDrag is definitely here to stay !! So join and help support DeathDrag … Its called the DeathDrag experience !! Their music will leave you speechless .
We here at wish DeadDrag lots of luck in the recording studio the world is ready to experience the new DeathDrag album being released very soon .
DeathDrag it’s not just a band !!
Their a game changer!! C4OC ARMY
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